African, Latin American, Native American Philosophy Reading Group

Spring 2020
Meetings: 12-2pm on scheduled Thursdays
Location: 3rd Floor Seminar Room, Gateway Building, 106 Somerset Street
Schedule of Readings








January 30


Introduction + Ancient Egypt


•Barry Hallen, A Short History of African Philosophy, “The Historical Perspective,” pp. 3-12 

Chike Jeffers, “Embodying Justice in Ancient Egypt: The Tale of the Eloquent Peasant as a Classic of Political Philosophy,” British Journal for the History of Philosophy (2013) Vol. 21(3):421-442. 

Instructions of Ptah-hotep 

Bill Manley, Egyptian Hieroglyphs for Complete Beginners, pp. 10-31


February 6


Early Modern African Philosophy: Zera Yacob and Anton Wilhelm Amo


Zera Yacob, Treatise of Zera Yacob 

Claude Sumner, The Significance of Zera Yacob's Philosophy

Teodros Kiros, "Zera Yacob and Traditional Ethiopian Philosophy," in Blackwell Companion to African Philosophy, pp. 183-185

•Dwight Lewis, “Anton Wilhelm Amo: The African Philosopher in 18th Europe,” APA Blog Post; “Anton Wilhelm Amo: Introduction & English Translation”

Dag Herbjørnsrud, "The African Enlightenment," Aeon

Chris Meyns, “Anton Wilhelm Amo’s Philosophy of Mind,” Philosophy Compass (2019)


February 13


Modern African Philosophy (1): anthropology and ethnophilosophy


Marcel Griaule, Conversations with Ogotemmêli, pp. 1-34, 123-129 

Placide Tempels, Bantu Philosophy, Chapters 1 and 2 

Paulin Hountondji, African Philosophy: Myth and Reality, pp. 47-54

DA Masolo, African Sage Philosophy, SEP


February 27


Modern African Philosophy (2): ordinary language philosophy 


•J. Olubi Sodipo and Barry Hallen, Knowledge, Belief, and Witchcraft 

--pp. 1-14, 127-141 

--pp. 40-41, 45-81

•Dedre Gentner and Susan Goldin-Meadow, "Whither Whorf" in Language in Mind

•Anna Wierzbicka, excerpts from Experience, Evidence, and Sense: The Hidden Cultural Legacy of English

•J.L. Austin, "A Plea for Excuses"


March 5


Gender, Identity, Tradition


Nkiru Uwechia Nzegwu, Family Matters: Feminist Concepts in African Philosophy of Culture, pp.  1-21, 209-229, 233-239 



March 26


Olmec, Maya, Aztec/Nahua Metaphysics


James Maffie, “Pre-Columbian Philosophies,” in A Companion to Latin American Philosophy, pp. 9-21

•James Maffie, Aztec Philosophy: Understanding a World in Motion 

--pp. 1-12, 21-40

•L. Sebastian Purcell, "Eudaimonia and Neltiliztli: Aristotle andthe Aztecs on the Good Life," pp. 10-20 of APA Newsletter on Hispanics in Philosophy 



April 9


Gender, Identity, and Tradition


Gloria Anzaldúa, Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza, pp. 21-61



April 16


Ethics and Identity


Gloria Anzaldúa, Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza, pp. 75-113 

Mariana Ortega, In-Between: Latina Feminist Phenomenology, Multiplicity, and the Self, pp. 17-46

María Lugones, “Playfulness, ‘World’-Traveling, and Loving Perception”


April 30


Native American Epistemology and Ethics


Brian Yazzie Burkhart, “What Coyote and Thales Can Teach Us: An Outline of American Indian Epistemology,” in American Indian Thought, pp. 15-26 

Gregory Cajete, Native Science: Natural Laws of Interdependence, pp. 57-83

Dennis McPherson and J. Douglas Rabb, “Values, Land, and the Integrity of the Person: Cross-Cultural Considerations,” in Indian from the Inside: Native American Philosophy and Cultural Renewal, pp. 94-125

Anne Waters, “Structural Disadvantage and a Place at the Table”


May 7


Life, History, Identity


•Wub-e-ke-niew, We Have the Right To Exist: A Translation of Aboriginal Indigenous Thought

--pp. xiii-liii, 1-9

--pp. 34-35, 54-57, 67-74, 78-96

--pp. 194-243