Alex Guerrero
I am a Professor of Philosophy at Rutgers University. I work on political philosophy, ethics, legal philosophy, and epistemology. I also have research and teaching interests in Native American and Indigenous Philosophy, Mesoamerican Philosophy, Chinese Philosophy, Latin American Philosophy, and African Philosophy, among other areas.
I am the author of Lottocracy: Democracy Without Elections, which you can learn more about here.
I am also an Associate Editor for Ethics.
I am a co-organizer of NEWLAMP, a learning and pedagogy-focused summer institute designed to enable philosophy teachers to include traditionally underrepresented areas of philosophy in their undergraduate courses.
I received my PhD from the NYU Philosophy Department in 2012, and I have a JD from NYU School of Law, where I was a Furman Scholar and then a Furman Fellow.
My free, online, open-to-all Coursera course, Revolutionary Ideas: An Introduction to Legal and Political Philosophy, is in On-Demand format. That means that it can be taken for free, by anyone, at any time.
Part One of the course is available here.
Part Two of the course is available here.
This is the complete syllabus for the class.
Here's an interview I did for The Philosophers' Magazine on teaching African, Latinx and Latin American, and Native American and Indigenous Philosophy.
Here's some advice on applying to graduate school.
Please feel free to contact me (alex.guerrero 'at' rutgers 'dot' edu) with any questions.